Costumized eLearning production de cursos eLearning

Each tailor-made course requires a successful delivery along with a customer engagement process. In this process that we call ADDIE, we have to analyse the audience and needs, make the instructional design, maximize the feedback on the first versions, develop a SCORM compatible with your platform and finally evaluate the reactions.

Services & Advantages

Needs Analysis

Our eLearning managers analyse your content, the target audience and the wanted outcome, in order to transform resources into highly interactive eLearning.

Instructional Design

We produce instructional guides, based on pedagogy for online, to deliver courses with more interactivity and dynamism, compatible with any eLearning platform.

Conversion of face-to-face training

Convert your face-to-face training into eLearning. When you already have content you trust, but want to reach your trainees with more engaging online training experiences, despite the device.

Video recording & voiceovers

We develop storyboards for studio recordings and write the voiceover scripts to be recorded by professional voices and included in tailor-made courses.

Representation of your brand

You can customize your eLearning training, with your brand security in our hands, working side-by-side on course design, aligned with your marketing.

More visual user interface

Obtain more attractive courses, with real image choice, illustrations, videos or even motion graphics, in a more intuitive communication with your trainees.

Evaluations & interactive exercises

Use the joint development of interim exercises with us in the SCORM package or obtain the assessment measurement you need, with final tests for each online module.

Programming & Quality Assurance

Bet on non-linear, branched or simulation courses, with variable programming, quality assurance and error prevention.

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